Film Performance

"Crack Jeetegaa Toh Jiyegaa" starring Vidyut Jammwal faced challenges at the box office.

Day 4 Collection

On the fourth day of its release, the film experienced a further decline in box office numbers.

Box Office Slip

Despite initial anticipation, the movie's performance has been disappointing.

Reasons Behind Decline

Various factors contributed to the downturn, impacting its box office success.

Cast and Crew

Vidyut Jammwal led the film with his performance alongside the rest of the cast and crew.

Audience Reception

The audience response to the film has been mixed, affecting its overall appeal.

Challenges Faced

"Crack Jeetegaa Toh Jiyegaa" encountered hurdles in maintaining audience interest beyond the initial days.

Competitive Environment

The film faced stiff competition from other releases, impacting its revenue potential.

Marketing Efforts

Despite promotional campaigns, the film struggled to attract sustained attention from moviegoers.

Future Prospects

The film's performance on subsequent days will determine its overall success and longevity at the box office.