. Azadi Berojgar: Kab Tak?" – A Voice For India's Youth 2024

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“Azadi Berojgar: Kab Tak?” is a powerful Hindi rap song that reflects the struggles, frustrations and unanswered questions of the Indian youth. With the unemployment crisis growing in India, the song delves deep into the real challenges faced by millions of young Indians. From the broken promises of “Vikasheel Bharat” to the demand for accountability from Indian politicians, the track resonates with the youth’s call for change. It has been said for generations that India is developing, but when will we finally see a developed India? or more Azadi Berojgar ?

Azadi Berojgar

Hear how we raise our voices against unemployment, poor infrastructure and lack of opportunities for the next generation. The song also highlights the power of online activism and urges the youth to take action for a better future. Join us in this musical movement to save India and hold our leaders accountable.

The Unemployment Crisis:

India, the world’s largest democracy, has a population of over 1.4 billion people, of which nearly 65% are under the age of 35. Despite this demographic advantage, the country’s youth are facing an unprecedented unemployment crisis. According to recent reports, India’s unemployment rate hovers around 7-8%, with youth unemployment being disproportionately high. In urban areas, where the promise of opportunities often lures young people, the unemployment rate for those aged 15-29 is over 20%.

This crisis is not just about numbers; it is about shattered lives and dreams. Every year, millions of graduates enter the job market, but find that there are not enough jobs to keep them employed. Promises made by successive governments – of a fast-growing economy, job creation and infrastructure development – seem to fade into the background as young Indians struggle to find their place in a fast-changing world.

Generational Frustration:

“Azadi Berojgar: Kab Tak?” reflects the frustration that has been passed down through generations. The lyrics poignantly highlight how each generation has been told that India is “developing”. Great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers and now the youth all wait for the day when India will finally “develop”. However, as time passes, the gap between hope and reality grows.

This generational frustration is not just about financial hardship, but also about the loss of hope. The youth are not just asking for jobs; they are asking for a future where they can contribute meaningfully to society, where their education, skills and ambitions are valued and utilized.

The Call for Accountability: Azadi Berojgar

The song also highlights the country’s political leadership, questioning their accountability and responsibility to the people who elected them. The lyrics ask why politicians are more concerned about maintaining their vote banks than the actual development of their constituencies. In a democracy, where leaders are supposed to be the voice of the people, why are real issues – such as unemployment, inadequate infrastructure and poor governance – being sidelined? This call for accountability is not just a demand but an appeal to politicians to recognise the urgency of the situation. The youth are tired of empty promises; they want concrete results. They are demanding a country where every young person has the opportunity to work, innovate and live a life of dignity.

Azadi Berojgar

The Reality of India’s Development:

Azadi Berojgar :

While India has made significant progress in various fields – becoming a global IT hub, achieving advances in space technology and maintaining a strong democracy – the ground reality for many is starkly different. Infrastructure is still underdeveloped in many parts of the country, where basic amenities such as roads, healthcare and education remain out of reach for millions.

Azadi Berojgar

Moreover, the informal sector, which employs a significant portion of the population, offers little in terms of job security, benefits or growth opportunities. The digital divide further compounds the problem, with rural youth often left behind in a world that is rapidly moving online.

Online Activism and the Power of Youth:

Azadi Berojgar: 

In this digital age, youth are not just passive recipients of political decisions; they are active participants in shaping their future. The song encourages young Indians to raise their voices, share their struggles and demand change using social media platforms like Instagram, X and Facebook. Online petitions, digital activism and social media campaigns are becoming powerful tools to hold leaders accountable and bring about social change.

The message of the song is clear: the time has come for youth to take control of their destiny. If traditional systems are failing them, they must unite, organise and forge new paths to progress.

Azadi Berojgar


“Azadi Berojgar: Kab Tak?” is not just a song – it is a rallying cry for a generation that refuses to be silenced. It reflects the deep frustration of youth, broken promises of development, and the urgent need for accountability in Indian politics. As India stands at the crossroads of development, this song reminds us that true progress cannot be measured by GDP alone; it must be reflected in people’s lives and livelihoods.

India’s youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the changemakers of today. It is time for the country to listen to their voices, address their concerns, and work together to build an India that is not just developing, but truly developed.

Watch the video here.https://youtu.be/FMkPGqiA0Pg?si=otDVyJD9koDes3oZ


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